Wednesday 30 May 2007

Exposing police corruption covering Fraud and Extortion entered by Carol Woods

14th in series of government-led corruption: see links to Greater Manchester Police at Lancashire Police and West Yorkshire yet to be added.
increscunt animi, virescut volnere virtus
(The spirit grows, strength is restored by wounding)
To indicate that we live in a police state I record here that this is the third time I have entered this blog. The previous two were intercepted before ever reaching the email address for confirmation of registering. Institutional bulling and corporate facsism alive and thriving in England in the 21st C. Third time lucky. Entry now in two parts, part 1 here.
On 19 Jan 04 after yet another farcical court hearing (another never entered and never legally heard (see links and ) in the Royal Courts of Justice with LORD JUSTICE PETER GIBSON
(link ) I reported the matters of court corruption to Charing Cross police on Agar St they being the nearest to the RCJ.
The corruption and plain crminality of Gibson had been witnessed.
His ignoring of what he saw as evidenced via documents in front of him was an offence under the Contempt of Court Act 1981 Sec 1 and 2(2) at least. (Links also above Manchester Tribunals and the EAT).
Roger Smith police officer, his sergeant and then a Mark Brigham CID were involved initially. I made a formal statement as did my witness.
A NICHOLAS WOOD and a JOSEPH MUTCH took the lead after 24 Jan 04 when a crime number was allocated for the investigation of what was serious crime.
I was to supply Wood with a copy of the file that had been in front of Gibson. Then there were 3 copies.
The one in the RCJ for Gibson, the one I used for that hearing and the copy of that for Wood.
My skeleton argument and the list of submitted documents were included within the files.
Prior to my ending the copy to Wood I received a parcel from the RCJ. It was the file that Gibson had had in front of him on 19 Jan 04. I did not open that package, it is still sealed with the RCJ stamp and kept in a safe place.
I knew that if I had opened it, it would have been said that I had altered the contents and that Gibson hadn't seen what he did see. (litigants note, liars abound in the court service see any web entry linked)
It is not usual to have files returned without request.
(Litigants also note that whatever actions the corrupt take it is always for their purposes, never yours, question everything they do if it appears to help you.)
N Wood then had an absolutely true copy of what Gibson had had, plus a copy fo the court Order - prepared at the same time the 'hearing' was in progres.
Wood and Mutch wrote asking me for a copy of the judgement which was missing from the file.
I resent the Order and resent it twice more. It was all that I had and Wood knew what the corruption was in that. I didn't at the time but do now.
He inisted that we couldn't progress without a judgement.
Those matters dragged on for many weeks.
I wrote to Gibson, three times, twice his clerk responded and confirmed (unwittingly) that Gibson was part of the conspircay to pervert the course of justice for me to protect the corrupt. (see link for start of corruption involving Lancashire County Council and Freemasons.)
Those letters were copied to Wood as further proof of Gibson's corruption. I tried to obtain a transcript of the hearing of 19 Jan 04 for Wood and Mutch and finally, after 14 months of persistence obtained one at my own expense.
It was not of the hearing of 19 Jan 04 at all and that could be proven and was.
N Wood got all that as well as did Falconer and by that time I had evidence that court transcripts were routinely altered to pervert the course of justice for many. (See link to Lancaster County Court at )
Wood's attitude changed, Mutch wrote saying he would return my file of evidence if I didn't want a criminal investigation. I wrote and toid him I wished to proceed.
In May 2005 N Wood made contact for us to meet. His attitude had changed which change coincided with the promotion from Lancashire police, PAUL STEPHENSON to the Met. (See link at criticalreader2006 above- Local Government Ombudsman)
He requested a meeting in Manchester which made me wonder (see GMP link as above) and I asked that we meet in lancaster somewhere.
He insisted we meet in Lancaster police station which I was unhappy about. (Lancshire police to be added as another blog, I'll keep you all posted, no pun intended).
Wood was another who wanted everything over the phone but I asked for emails.
A date was set, 23 June 2005 and I asked Wood if I could tape the meeting.
That was not unreasonable and standard practice as per PACE regs.
He was furious with me for sugesting that and his next email showed his fury.
This was clearly wrong, I liked nothing about N Wood and I hadn't even met him then.
I engaged a solicitor to witness that meeting where N Wood was supposed to be formally confirming my statement of 19 Jan 04 given in Charing Cross station.
On the specified date at the specified time I arrived at Lancaster police station and reported to the reception area. I asked if my solcicitor had arrived.
The desk clerk told me that my solicitor had arrived but had been told that there was no meeting between me and a senior officer from the Met. police.
I insisted they call my solicitor back.
The usual rubbish was trotted out as if I were a dimwit.
Nobody had known of any meeting between a senior officer from the Met. and myself in Lancaster police station.
And I was supposed to accept that.
I asked, when shown through to meet Wood, how he had gained entry to the station without anyone knowing he was there.
Not only that, despite no one knowing of any meeting or presence of any from the Met. they had secured a room for the interview.
(Terrorists please note, there is free access into all parts of Lancaster police station and you can even requisition a room for meetings, leave your cars in the secure car park and no questions will be asked. It's a free- for- all. )
My solicitor returned but neither of us were signed or given Vistors' badges as regulations insist for health and safety legislation.
As said, it is a free-for-all in Lancaster and probably Lancashire.
When I asked N Wood how he had an allocated room (the 'Interview-Engaged' sign on the door was a give-away and I'm not a detective) said that he was to se me in a cell but then changed his mind. My solicitor arriving probably did that for him.
It was to be a re-run of GMP (see link given) and their various feeble attempts to harm me (a second GMP link is to posted in the future).
Wood was scruffy, he was not on duty.
He introduced a much younger female as a fellow detective when she was clearly anything but.
Wood told my solicitor that she wasn't needed and she left thinking it was safe to do so.
Wood had been sent on a 'fishing expedition' for what I had as more perjured evidence with the criminals there being STEPHEN SAINSBURY Court manager of Lancaster County Court (see link) and LAURA SALES of Lancashire County Council (LCC) legal dept. especially which perjury they intended to use in the RCJ on Aug 17th 2005 (link to be added).
The passage of information around the corrupt could be seen. It was clear that when I gave one piece of information that it was passed around until somebody could act on it.
To identify members of corrupt cartels it never fails - offer one piece of information and watch where it travels.
I wouldn't give Wood anything. I knew he was not on duty, he was on leave with his grilfriend.
The plan was for me to be foolish enough to go and see him alone. He would have had me in a cell and nobody would know I was there. There had been no signing in and no evidence that he was in Lancaster at all. Making a complaint afterwards (assuming I was in alive and well enough would have resulted in the liars and bent coppers in Lancaster saying that I had not been in that station, that Wood had not been in that station and Wood's colleagues would have confirmed that Wood was on leave with his girfriend and she would have said anything he told her to say to confirm that he was on leave and had never arranged to see me.
There would have been nothing documented just as GMP dimwits tried to ensure.
The implication would have been that I was quite insane to suggest what haapened had happened.
But that solicitor turning up spoiled their plans and the emails are still in my possession. And that's where they're staying.
For the follow on complaint and corruption to collude with NICHOLAS WOOD see next entry (if this is not spoiled in any way) which entry will be at policewatchuk2.
Carol Woods Lancaster 30 May 2007.